Introducing Angela and her two children Sensen (6.5yrs old) and Ryan (2.5yrs old) from Lifewise ECE Glen Eden.
Angela and Sensen joined our centre as one of our first families, in 2017. Sensen has recently started school, and his younger brother Ryan is now enrolled with us. Angela was working when Sensen attended the centre, but needed to stop working during her pregnancy with Ryan. Now Ryan is older, she has recently completed her Level 4 ECE studies.
Ryan is very close to his Mum, and prefers his Mum to stay with him during the day. As Angela is available, we have encouraged her to stay with Ryan in the centre. They come every day together and stay until after lunch, allowing him to explore and play freely while Mum is close by.
When Angela was choosing a childcare centre for Sensen, she spent a lot of time looking at different centres and chose Lifewise ECE Glen Eden because Sensen enjoyed playing here, and she could tell that the teachers really care about the children. She could tell that the children were happy there and Sensen was happy. Angela has also mentioned how she likes that the teachers are very genuine, kind and caring teachers – all of the time, every day.
Now that Angela is spending more time with us in the centre, she has mentioned that she has been able to learn by watching and modelling what she sees from the teachers, and that has helped in her parenting journey and her ECE studies. It has been helpful to build her confidence and build relationships with other children, while her son is playing confidently. Angela shares with her friends, that the centre is like being at home. She feels comfortable to make herself a cup of tea, and being able to serve her friends when they have visited the centre also.
We love having Angela with us during the day – she is definitely part of our whanau. The children all enjoy her company and invite her into their play. Angela is joining our team of relieving teachers soon, to support her while she supports her son.
Just recently, Ryan has become comfortable with saying goodbye to his Mum, and is very settled during the day. The time, space and opportunity we have given him – showing patience and respect for his needs has really paid off for everyone. It has created a sense of belonging and secure emotional wellbeing for Ryan and has enabled success for his whole family/whanau.
Brain research tells that children need to feel connected through attachments and relationship first and foremost. When they feel emotionally secure they are able to explore and play freely. Ryan has the best of both worlds, with his whanau and ECE centre, working in partnership to best meet his needs.
At Lifewise ECE Glen Eden, we recognise and respect each child and whanau has different needs. We really do walk alongside each family/whanau to help support the best outcomes and for everyone achieve success.
我的名字是Angela。我和我的孩子Sensen于2017年加入Lifewise Glen Eden这个大家庭。森森最近开始上学了,他的弟弟Ryan现在加入了Lifewise Glen Eden。当Sensen进入幼儿园的时候,我正在工作,在我怀Ryan的时候 我选择停止了工作。现在瑞恩长大了,我最近完成了第4级ECE学习。
Ryan和妈妈很亲近,他更喜欢我白天和他在一起。我暂时没有开始工作,而且幼儿园非常鼓励我在幼儿园里多陪同Ryan 所以我们每天都一起来,一直待到午饭后,Ryan妈妈在身边的时候自由地探索和玩耍。
还记得我为Sensen选择幼儿园时,我花了很多时间去看不同的幼儿园,在多方对比下选择了Glen Eden,因为Sensen喜欢在这里玩耍,我可以看出老师们真的很关心孩子们。我知道孩子们在那里很快乐,Sensen也很快乐。我也非常喜欢这里的老师,她们都是非常真诚,善良。难得的是这里每一位都是很有经验的老师 她们对孩子们的关心和照顾 长年如一日!因为我有很长一定时间几乎每天都会做幼儿园 老师对孩子们的关心和照顾我都看在眼里 我感觉自己和孩子们很幸运可以选择并加入到这个幼儿园。
现在因为Ryan刚刚开始适应幼儿园生活,我们在中心的时间越来越多,我也能够通过观察和模仿老师的讲课来学习,这对我的育儿之旅和我的ECE学习都非常有帮助。每次我和朋友们聊起幼儿园 我都会很开心的说,在这个中心就像在家里一样。我会很舒服地给自己泡一杯茶,也能在朋友们参观中心的时候为他们服务。