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Mental Health
& Addiction

Lifewise in Rotorua offers Supported Accommodation services for people who require mental health and addiction services. Our recovery-focused live-in programme for adults is nestled in the heart of Rotorua with a diverse workforce committed to positive health, wellbeing and Mana Motuhake. This Pathway also supports residents to connect with whānau and their community.

Lifewise offers support and stability

Lifewise supports people to embrace life and make positive choices toward autonomy. We provide around-the-clock support in a live-in setting to help people who experience mental health and addiction issues.

By providing access to a home-like environment residents are able to engage with their support team, and whanau and plan toward a healthier future.  Access to Lifewise may be direct through Manaaki Ora, Arc Counselling Services, the Whare Whakaue Inpatient Unit and Link People.

We give people a place to find their feet

Lifewise follows a back-to-basics approach with a focus on whānau and family values.  Residents are supported to attend counselling sessions, and support groups with a recovery-focused approach. Our central location, ample greenery on-site and connection to the local community assists people to turn their lives around.

Lifewise focuses on whānau and connection

The Te Ara Ora pathway to wellness includes Community Support Services that support residents to connect with whānau and their community. Lifewise Support Workers give continued support to help people overcome challenges and achieve independence.

Lifewise Support Workers work closely with other services that help, including:

  • LinkPeople
  • Te Utuhina Manaakitanga Trust
  • Te Ngako Mental Health Services
  • Other healthcare services for alcohol and drugs

We serve the Lakes and Tairawhiti regions

You can access our Mental Health and Addiction Services directly through Lifewise or by a referral from Link People. If you’d like to find out more or ask about support for a loved one, please contact us or Link People.

Stabilisation Services

Lifewise supports people who are preparing to enter alcohol and other substance treatment services with their specialised pre and post-treatment placements.  Working closely with our local community specialist teams Te Utuhina Manaaki Ora and Arc Counselling Services.  Residents are supported both clinically and culturally with a qualified and experienced workforce.  These placements allow for preparation, consolidation of learnings and active participation in recovery.

House and backyard
Interior of a Home

Transition Services

The Lifewise transition placements work in partnership with the local community specialist team Te Ngako Community Mental Health Services.  Residents are able to take ‘time out’, and engage with their support team with the aim of returning to their homes.

Housing First Rotorua

The Rotorua Housing First Program is delivered collaboratively with Te Taumata O Ngati Whakaue Iho Ake Trust and Link People.

This programme supports people who experience chronic homelessness with an aim of ending homelessness within Rotorua.

The Housing First Team supports access to permanent housing with active continuing support in order to sustain tenancies and support people to achieve their goals for as long as they want and need.


  1. Immediate access to housing with no readiness conditions
  2. Consumer choice and self-determination
  3. Individualised and person-centred support
  4. Harm reduction and recovery-orientation support
  5. Social and community integration
Housing First Rotorua
three woman smiling at camera

Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Māori Development seen here with Haehaetu Barrett, Lifewise Rotorua Service Manager, and Hon Steve Chadwick, Rotorua Mayor.

Service Access

The following navigate service access:


Lifewise respects that you or your whānau may prefer to seek guidance from someone else.

Please feel free to contact the Rotorua Health and Disability Advocate on 0800 11 22 33 or 07 349 0182.

Our therapeutic programmes enrich the journey

We support residents on their journeys through mental health and addiction with our therapeutic programmes Hinengaro, Tinana, Whānau, and Wairua. These programmes ease the challenge of being in a new environment with new people.

The challenge of a new environment, new people and a new start can be overwhelming. Lifewise has implemented a number of programs that focus on wairua (healing) and recovery.  The weekly programme named Kia u, kia mau kia Ita encourages residents to rebuild their lives utilising holistic components, understanding and implementation.



The Hinengaro programme focuses on recovery task-oriented goals. It is delivered on-site with the support worker team and includes literacy education, research projects and presentations, complimented by off-site tours to local icons.

The Hinengaro Program includes:

  • Wellbeing Workshops
  • Local Research Projects
  • Waiata and Kapahaka: Weekly sessions with staff and residents.
  • Life skills: Re-learning how to prepare basic meals and participating in workshops that assist with daily living skills
  • Cultural activities such as weaving and visit to significant, historical sites.
  • Computer kiosks for resident usage
  • Access to the public library.


The Tinana component incorporates elements of building self-esteem, group support and individual fitness gain. This daily programme emphasizes to participants that anyone, anywhere and anyhow can look after their wellness outside of medication. Delivered to residents from qualified personal trainers, each resident is supported to work towards improved physical health.

The Tinana Programme includes:

– Daily physical and recreational activities
– A professional fitness trainer
– Individual and group fitness regime
– Access to the swimming pool and tennis courts
– Access to the local gym and bush walks



The Whānau concept helps participants work as a group, whānau, to achieve recovery goals by having each other’s back. Lifewise offers a safe, supervised environment infused with whakawhānaungatanga and manaakitanga. Our communal living environment welcomes shared living and shared journeys.

Whānau challenges the isolation experienced by many residents who arrive with minimal support and fear socialising with new people. Both new clients and returning clients develop Tuākana and Tēina relationships that offer extra support to people in their journeys. Lifewise offers a safe, supervised environment that is infused with Whakawhanaungatanga and Manaakitanga.

The Whānau Program includes:

  • Daily whānaungatanga engagement
  • Tuākana and Tēina relationships for pre-and post-treatment residents
  • Whānau visits every weekend
  • Māra kai development and maintenance
  • Full participation in maintaining the houses and recreation area


The Wairua programme weaves spirit throughout our entire service. We bring Wairua with daily prayer and as a synergy between residents in the form of pride and value.

The Wairua programme includes:

– Karakia to open and close each day
– Compulsory participation so residents can understand the importance of spiritual connection for self and others
– Participation in meal preparation and sharing meals with whānau
– Weekly music programme


Pounamu taonga allow participants to take pride in their mahi

Māori view taonga (treasures) as their ancestors, so how they are presented and treated is very important. Taonga have been a common sight over centuries, and whānau/hapū and Iwi have passed down pieces through generations to preserve mana and mauri.

There are many forms of taonga, and they often depict kaitiaki (guardians) and symbolic places to enhance connection, purpose and belongingness.

The residents of Lifewise Rotorua were each gifted a piece of pounamu (greenstone) to design their own taonga (treasure). This unique opportunity has encouraged residents to dig deep, research their ancestry and detail a piece that is meaningful and special. Our residents are not all of Māori descent, but they all have their own beautiful cultural history, and this piece resonates with their Wairua (spirit) and recovery journey.


Stay connected with what’s happening at Lifewise.