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Disability Support

Lifewise Disability Support Services offer choices in support for people who live with a disability and have Individualised Funding. We work with you to keep it simple and help you make the most of your budget. Get in touch today to speak with us about how you can get involved.

Elderly pair sitting together outside

Individualised Funding gives you choices

Individualised Funding gives people more control over their disability support and flexibility about how and when their needs are met. It puts the decisions and control back in the hands of the person or family themselves.

We’ll help you get started

We help you plan how you want to use your funding; there are many creative ways to maintain the support you need.

If you decide to employ a support worker, we’ll help you understand how to do this

In Auckland, you may be able to access more support

If you live within the Te Whatu Ora Auckland district, you may also be able to access our home-based support services for personal care, household management and respite care.

To find out more, email us or call 027 534 4409 to speak with Moana

Our booklet is full of information

We’ve created an Introduction to Individualised Funding booklet. It has all the information you need to get started. We aim to keep Individualised Funding as simple as possible, so please feel free to call us if you’d like to discuss the information. You can reach us at 09 623 7631 and ask to speak to someone on the Disability Team.

You can download our presentation, which outlines how Individualised Funding works.

“It is very convenient that Lifewise is there to support us on this journey. This extra support means that my life has now become less stressful and my health has also improved.”

The forms you’ll need are available here

You’ll occasionally need different forms to manage your Individualised Funding budget. You can find them on this page.

We update our forms regularly, so keep checking here to ensure you use the most up-to-date ones

Here are the required forms when chosing to hire your own employee using your individualised funding. Please send the relevant completed forms (Advice of Employment/Kiwi Saver deduction or Opt out/Tax Code declaration/Employment Agreement/Proof of bank account) to: before 12.30pm the Wednesday before the next payroll deadline

Woman typing on her laptop

IF Purchasing Forms

Please get in touch with your IF Coach to discuss if your purchase fits within the Whaikaha Individualised Funding guidelines:


A yellow lightbulb image pinned to a corkboard

You can find other helpful links and information here too

This page has other information, such as employment websites and other resources. Please look below or contact us if you need help finding something.

Employment Links

Helpful information

Taikura Trust – Needs assessment and service coordination

Whaikaha – Individualised Funding

Disability Connect – Information and advice, free seminars, newsletter

CCS Disability Action – Information and advice

We’re here to help if you have any questions

If you have any questions about your Individualised Funding, please get in touch with one of our team. Emails or texts are best as we’re often busy with other clients. Please be patient; we try to answer queries within 48 hours.

Anushika Wijayaratne
021 852 975


Please contact your IF Coach or email 

Stay connected with what’s happening at Lifewise.