Postal address: PO Box 5104, Victoria Street West, AUCKLAND 1142
Email: / Phone: 09 302 5390
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Anne Tolley supports campaign to raise the age of Foster Care to 21
10 December 2015
Anne Tolley supports campaign to raise the age of Foster Care to 21
Over 13,000 people showed their support in a nationwide campaign urging the government to raise the age of leaving state care from 17 to 21.
Rex and Effects
19 November 2015
Rex and Effects
T’ Rex came by the café today. We’ll refer to him as T’ Rex for the same reason vertically challenged chaps are called stretch and red heads are called blue.
5 Reasons To Raise The Leaving Age to 21
8 September 2015
5 Reasons To Raise The Leaving Age to 21
We’ve had lots of people ask why we’re asking the Government to raise the age of leaving state care to 21, and not just 18.
17 Reasons To Lift The Age Of Foster Care From 17 To 21
4 September 2015
17 Reasons To Lift The Age Of Foster Care From 17 To 21
Lifewise is teaming up with social agencies around the country calling on the Government to raise the age of leaving foster care from 17 to 21.
Help our youth
14 April 2015
Help our youth
You can help end youth homelessness in NZ.